Megatrend: Value In Virtual

The biggest trend in companies and economies over the last 50 years has driven $Tns in global stock market valuations from 80% financial value and 20% intangible value… to the reverse.

Its hiding in plain sight. We are deeply into the knowledge and intangible value economy – still using thinking, planning and innovation techniques from the physical world.

Danny takes a futurist look at client value in virtual – exploring innovative highly value added digital services and our value creation capacity to deliver it.

New insight to build product and service strategies (growth and defensive), future market positioning, and sustainable company value.

Lift your capacity to develop meaningful strategic AI implementations, harnessing future technology roadmaps to build sustainable differentiated value into your business.

The future of work – today


  • Learn to discover, build and deliver value in virtual

    Open pathways to increase client value, new revenue streams, and new markets

    Discover new value in emerging technology

    Realise the value-creation potential of a brand-license journey

Innovation Speaker. Value Creation. Disruption. Growth.

Themes Explored In This Keynote Address

Danny’s futurist foresight is a powerful meeting of the latest global research, the leading edge of enhanced professional disciplines, thousands of real-world observations of corporate behaviours, and his unique way of unpacking complex issues through systems thinking, economics, social philosophy, pragmatism, positivity… and humor.

Other Keynote Topics

No Dead Ends. Flexible Formats.

In addition to being an inspirational and transformational speaker – Dr Davis has the qualifications to follow through to support any development or implementation pathway your team is interested in – with the flexibility to deliver in the format that works best for your environment.