The Executive Epidemic
Curing Unsustainable Overload
Leaders at all levels are unsustainably overloaded. They cannot continue at this pitch. They cannot do more. It is not enough. It is not working.
Being a highly effective professional is no longer sufficient.
The ‘master’ of effectiveness, Steven Covey (7 habits of highly effective people) wrote “Effectiveness does not suffice in the knowledge worker age…The challenges and complexity we face today are of a different order of magnitude.”
We need new integrated future-making management practices: Engineering, not heroics. Heroics injures people and organisations.
Danny brings a futurist look at organisations and how they work based on the latest observations and research – to give us new insights into our daily lives at work – and how to contribute more value with less stress – creating organisations with improved mitigation of future risk – and better capacity to achieve its best potential.
The future of work – today
- Better understanding of the organisation, and how to exert influence
- An understanding of the issues of ideas resistance, perverse incentives, frustrated value and career risk
- Increased contribution of staff value – for more sustainable, fulfilled, motivated work life
- Sustained high performance value-creation in teams and organisations
Themes Explored In This Keynote Address
Danny’s futurist foresight is a powerful meeting of the latest global research, the leading edge of enhanced professional disciplines, thousands of real-world observations of corporate behaviours, and his unique way of unpacking complex issues through systems thinking, economics, social philosophy, pragmatism, positivity… and humor.
No Dead Ends. Flexible Formats.
In addition to being an inspirational and transformational speaker – Dr Davis has the qualifications to follow through to support any development or implementation pathway your team is interested in – with the flexibility to deliver in the format that works best for your environment.