Systemic Transformation
“The ONLY way to get large organisations, sectors or even nations to change, is to get them to change themselves”
We’ve all seen it. Major organisations – despite awareness, commitment, great skills and huge resources – struggle to make meaningful change. As Chair of a $200Bn firm put it “Yeh. We’ve done a couple of those $Bn transformation projects. And… they didn’t fail. But… they didn’t make a difference.”
Making the value-creation engine visible gives us the ability to upgrade it… ourselves.
Danny brings unique insight and perspective to expose the “hidden infrastructure” that makes complex living-systems organisations and sectors tick – with stories of unlocking staff’s capacity to contribute their creative and productive value. New perspectives for enhanced transformation towards high-performance future-making practice.
“The person who figures out how to harness the collective genius of his or her organization is going to blow the competition away”, Walter Wriston
If we were directors of a factory, we’d know the market, the widget cost, the equipment upgrade cost. Decision made. Easy. BUT… we are captains of complex intangible value creation machines. We don’t know the throughput. We don’t know the cost or effect of an upgrade. We don’t know if our efforts are making a difference.
The future of work – today
New perspective that creates new pathways for action
New understanding that empowers independent initiative, prioritises meaningful action, and makes work effective across teams and silos – to make the organisation better. One day at a time.
Themes Explored In This Keynote Address
Danny’s futurist foresight is a powerful meeting of the latest global research, the leading edge of enhanced professional disciplines, thousands of real-world observations of corporate behaviours, and his unique way of unpacking complex issues through systems thinking, economics, social philosophy, pragmatism, positivity… and humor.
35 Influencing Behaviours
Understanding… learning from… and making use of… existing precedents that are influencing global decision-making.
No Dead Ends. Flexible Formats.
In addition to being an inspirational and transformational speaker – Dr Davis has the qualifications to follow through to support any development or implementation pathway your team is interested in – with the flexibility to deliver in the format that works best for your environment.