Keynote Address - "Productivity Matters"
“Productivity isn’t everything, but, in the long run, it is almost everything” Paul Krugman
“There is no more important structural problem in our economy than productivity” said one Federal Treasurer, whilst another said “95% of productivity gains are coming from only 5% of companies”. A national research agency predicted a potential 36% uplift in GDP from better decision-making practice. But it’s not happening.
Advanced economies averaged only 1% growth over the last 25 years. There’s been no real plan to lift economic and social productivity.
Dr Davis brings unique insight and perspective to this global question.
His Future Maker insight explains how we harness human ingenuity to create human value – more effectively aligning collective action for today’s knowledge, services and wellbeing economy. Is it a breakthrough pathway for low-cost economic stimulation? And what are the implications for boards, policy setters, economies and nations.
Emerging future-making practices can be learned and copied across corporate, government, community sectors – and national economies – to transform human productivity.
“The emergence of theories of electricity did nothing to change the underlying laws of physics – but they did make it possible for us to build powerful high-precision equipment. We now have the beginnings of a new science of high-performance future-making organisations. Game on.”
The future of work – today
A new way of looking at persistent problems – that will transform the thinking of corporate leaders, capital managers, policy setters and regulators.
New perspective that creates new pathwaysfor action
Themes Explored In This Keynote Address
Danny’s futurist foresight is a powerful meeting of the latest global research, the leading edge of enhanced professional disciplines, thousands of real-world observations of corporate behaviours, and his unique way of unpacking complex issues through systems thinking, economics, social philosophy, pragmatism, positivity… and humor.
30 Creating Impact
Theories of Electricity don’t change physics, but enable us to build powerful precision machines. Welcome to organisational theory.
34 Futurist Innovation
Making better use of emerging technology and opportunity. We’re not inventors, we’re adopters.
35 Influencing Behaviours
Understanding… learning from… and making use of… existing precedents that are influencing global decision-making.
No Dead Ends. Flexible Delivery.
Make It Real. Danny has the qualifications to support all of your teams’ capability building and implementation interests, and the flexibility to engage in a form that works best for you.
Facilitated Roundtables
Coaching Mentoring