Keynote Address - "Upgrade!"


We upgrade our phone.

We upgrade our computers.

Can we learn to upgrade ourselves and our organisations?

It’s bewildering. The pace of global technological and market change keeps getting faster, and faster, and faster.

Personal effectiveness alone is insufficient where, as Stephen Covey states in The Eight Habit, “The challenges and complexity we face today are of a different order of magnitude”.

We can’t just keep on struggling to keep up with the change, we need to learn to become the ones who benefit from it.

Danny’s research across hundreds of organisations reveals hidden practices that enable us to be more effective – not just at coping with change – but in consistently turning volatile change into value – together.

“Emerging theories of electricity did not change the underlying physics – but they did make it possible for us to build powerful high-precision equipment.”

We’ve all seen it. Major organisations – despite awareness, commitment, great skills and huge resources – struggle to make meaningful change. As Chair of a $200Bn firm put it “Yeh. We’ve done a couple of those $Bn transformation projects. And… they didn’t fail. But… they didn’t make a difference.”

Learn how we can not just “keep up” but become the ones who benefit from emerging technology and change.


“The ONLY way to get large organisations, sectors or even nations to change, is to get them to change themselves”.

Danny brings unique insight and perspective to expose the “hidden infrastructure” that makes complex living-systems organisations and sectors tick – with stories of how we can unlock our collective value creation capacity to thrive in an era of change.


“The person who figures out how to harness the collective genius of his or her organization is going to blow the competition away”, Walter Wriston

The future of work – today


  • Knowledge of the “that’s our competitive advantage” secrets of the leadership and boards of outperforming companies

  • New perspective on organisations that creates new pathways for action

  • Understanding of enhanced practices that can lead meaningful change in the culture and performance of your people and your organisation

Innovation Speaker. Value Creation. Disruption. Growth.

Themes Explored In This Keynote Address

Danny’s futurist foresight is a powerful meeting of the latest global research, the leading edge of enhanced professional disciplines, thousands of real-world observations of corporate behaviours, and his unique way of unpacking complex issues through systems thinking, economics, social philosophy, pragmatism, positivity… and humor.

Other Keynote Topics

No Dead Ends. Flexible Delivery.

Make It Real. Danny has the qualifications to support all of your teams’ capability building and implementation interests, and the flexibility to engage in a form that works best for you.